Lawyer Fights Bias Case Over Publicity

Lawyer said there was "Barnum-like pre-trial publicity."

Lawyer Fights Bias Case Over Publicity

The East Haven Police Department is under investigation by the U.S. Justice Department.

One of four East Haven police officers accused of abusing and harassing Latinos is asking a federal judge to dismiss the charges because of the publicity the case has received.

The lawyer for East Haven officer Jason Zullo filed a motion on Thursday to dismiss the charges.

The lawyer, Norman Pattis, said in the motion that federal prosecutors engaged in "Barnum-like pre-trial publicity," including a "cheap theater of press conferences and name-calling," and should not have unsealed the indictments in the case.

Pattis also said Zullo will have a hard time getting a fair trial.

A spokesman for the Connecticut U.S. attorney's office declined to comment.

All four officers have pleaded not guilty to conspiring to violate the rights of East Haven Latinos by using excessive force, unlawful searches and other harassment.