News Coverage

Alex Jones Reaches Out to Justice Dept. About Jan. 6 Interview

‘Revenge Suicide Hypothesis’ Offered by Lawyer for Estranged Husband of Missing Woman

Alex Jones’s Legal Team Is Said to Have Sent Child Porn in Sandy Hook Hoax Case

Alex Jones’s Legal Team Is Said to Have Sent Child Porn in Sandy Hook Hoax Case

Lawyers for families of victims in the 2012 shooting said the legal team acting for Mr. Jones, the conspiracy theorist, sent them child pornography, adding that they have notified the F.B.I.

- The New York Times
Lawyers representing several families of victims of the 2012 shooting at Sandy Hook Elementary School said in court documents that the legal team acting for Alex Jones, the conspiracy theorist and host of the...

Yale Rape Verdict Shows How ‘Yes Means Yes’ Can Be Murkier in Court

Yale Student Found Not Guilty in Rape Trial

At Yale, Trying Campus Rape in a Court of Law

Gateway Pundit Writer Will Not Face Charge in UConn Scuffle