News Coverage

Super Attorney Norm Pattis

Super Attorney Norm Pattis

The Steven Hayes trial has been the biggest story in CT the past few weeks, so Chaz and AJ's lawyer friend Norm Pattis stopped by the studio. Chaz and Norm had a disagreement on capital punishment which led to...

Colin McEnroe Show: The Power of a Flag

Colin McEnroe Show: The Power of a Flag

Flags are meant to be a uniting symbol, but in many cases they cause stark divisions.

Guests: Norm Pattis, Mike Lawlor, Tom Scott, David Blight
It's hard to quantify but I think it's fair to say that people who come to the United States from other countries often think we're a little bit...

Caught On Tape: Officer Beating Suspect

Woman: I was held hostage by my ex-husband

Woman: I was held hostage by my ex-husband

He told Nancy Tyler 'only way this marriage was going to end was by death'

- NBC Today
He was controlling, and obsessed with the wife who was ending their marriage. As their bitter divorce was coming to a conclusion, Richard Shenkman kept talking about "The War of the Roses," the hit movie in...

Willoughby Innocent